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about me 2.0

It started

Everything started before I understood what was going on. I never fitted in, something always felt wrong and I was sure that there was something missing.

That started as soon as I started to know myself when I was about 5 years old. Even though I was nerdy/geekish and I always looked forward to video games, computers, etc. When it came to toys and clothes,I always wanted the ones that wasn’t supposed to be for boys.

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women developers done wrong

women developers done wrong…

Don’t take me wrong, seeking for more women in the technology world is a legit purpose and I support it.

After all 92% of the developers are men, and that’s a huge gap that makes things unfair sometimes.

But current movements are doing it wrong, sooo wrong.

All the activities that looks forward to bring more women to the developer side are like this:

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There's no gender violence at all

As some of you may know today is the Women’s Day and this ain’t a day to celebrate but to commemorate all those women that have fought for women’s rights.

And even though I agree with that, I still feel uneasy due to the fact that gender violence against men is usually not addressed, at least not the same way and things get worse when you talk about non-traditional genders. And so sometimes I feel these kind of commemoration isn’t fair.

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